Geometric, modern SansSerif font in .otf and .ttf format, based on my font Rawengulk→. Font have OpenType features: Standard Ligatures, Contextual Alternates, Discretionary Ligatures, Case Sensitive Forms, Petite Capitals, Fractions and alternate Glyph “g” as Stylistic Set 01.
- Font: RawengulkSans
- Version: 0.96
- Date of current version: 02.03.2016
- Date of first version: 23.03.2011
- License: OpenFontLicense
- All glyphs in font→
- Glyphs for alphabets→
- Ekstra Glyphs in font→
- Preview for font→
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RawengulkSans-096, OTF+TTF+PDF

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RawengulkSans-095, for Macintosh, otf+pdf

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